? ??????????????Skulls On Fire? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.8 (9 Ratings)??216 Grabs Today. 17539 Total Grab
s. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????????Watch Us Burn? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.7 (18 Ratings)??191 Grabs Today. 11613 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Friday tat day go campin so no nid 2 study..
30 ppl divided 2 four groups...

  • BLOO [my group]...
  • OMG...
  • ING ...
  • LOYAL...
finally tried flyin fox n wall climbin...
fiyin fox damn siok de...
wall climbin i climb until the top[vry happy cause i tried]..
raftin also vry interestin...
the investigation sooo excitin...
the talented nite also vry fun la..
the toilet....
dirty, dark, small n smells bad....
the food there not vry good lo...
taste not good...
but i am quite enjoyin the campin....
it was vry vry vry vry vry FUN!!!