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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Las P.M.

post mortem 2day...
everyone confessed abt their own problems and wrongs...
she said she had no comment...
wat the heck?
u thought u din do wrong?
then we dun wan to 'shoot' them in front of them ...
so we wrote it on a piece of paper with the signature or name on it...
then she said i dun wan to write...
hey wat are u doin?
acting a good person?
especially in front the ex-co?
Hey, girl! U SUXZ!!!
u r the one who said u wanna shoot org..
but now, what happen?
i am the 'bad character'?
then if u dun wan to interview for the post..
pls shut up...
no one wan to hear!!!
u dun nid to said it soooo loud!!
U bitch!!!